
Best Hand Tactics in Post-Flop Poker

Straight hands in poker least suspected by other players is a perfect set up at post-flop poker phase. For instance, our hand has a 9 and a 7 and the board has 8J65. But we also have to be careful when someone else completes a flush or a full house. So what we do is to exploit a straight prior to the board completing a pair or a flush. Another way of exploiting it is lose some of its value by more reserved playing.

When the board has 6789 and we have an A10 hand—making possible an obvious straight—we should aggressively bluff and pretend that we're merely betting to buy the pot. A fush in poker is a strong one but it is difficult to hide from opponents except when deriving it from a backdoor. Suppose we have A7 and the board has 10s, 8c, 4h, Js, and 2s. Let's say that this board is favorable to those with an aggressive play but who really are bluffers.

We can imagine how possible it is for 4 flushes from the board to hit someone, so with 4 straights. Here, the suited cards will have to be weighed with their ranks to see who really is winning. If there's no ace in our hand but we are somewhat still ahead in the game, we might as well be passive and check and call when the play gets to the river. A good hand for a slow play is a full house. Stronger hands are often not fit for slow plays. More cards need to be coming for the opponents to somehow come up with second best hands.

Quads are one of the best. They are unlikely to lose to straight flushes or stronger quads. But the problem with them is that they seldom get paid good because the board often don't quite work out if we're playing quads. The thing here is to let the opponent complete a hand and later try to trap the opponent for whatever advantages we may derive from this.

Straight flushes are powerful hands to play post-flop. They are often sure winners to develop by the time we reach the play after the flop, and this will further take advantage of weak hands, or those just starting to develop post-flop, on the river.

With these kinds of hands in poker post-flop, we can position for a better strategy and bet more confidently especially when we get to the turn and the river.
